Lots Of Energy Saving Tips……

I thought in this blog post , as the weather is rapidly dragging us into the cooler months and as the energy companies have hiked their prices, that I would post some tips on saving energy and money, so here goes…..

  1. Close curtains and blinds at dusk to keep warmth in the house as the temperature drops outside.
  2. Turn your room thermostat down by 1 degree.  You probably won’t notice the difference and unbelievably this could save you up to £65 a year!
  3. Turn radiators down low in rooms that aren’t in use.
  4. When cooking on the hob, whether it’s gas or electric, reduce the number of rings in use by using a steamer pan.
  5. Turn off the lights when you leave the room, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
  6. Switch your microwave off at the wall – you’d be surprised at how much energy the clock uses!
  7. Turn all your appliances off standby.
  8. Don’t put the washing machine and/or dishwasher on unless they’re full, and for good measure use an eco-cycle if possible.
  9. Have a shower instead of a bath and keep it as short as possible.  (For extra brownie points invest in an eco shower head).
  10. Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth or shaving.
  11. Only filling the kettle or pan as much as you need to will save water and energy.
  12. Wash fruit and vegetables in a small bowl rather than keeping the tap running.  You can even use the water for watering plants.
  13. Replace your light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs.  CFLs can be used to replace most standard bulbs and LED bulbs are a massive improvement on halogen bulbs.
  14. Have your boiler serviced regularly to make sure it is running as efficiently as possible and consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient model if yours is getting on a bit.
  15. Could you get a better deal on for your gas and electricity and have you considered a green tariff?
  16. Could renewable energy be an option for your home?  Check out the options and consider what might work for you.
  17. Check for draughts. Windows, doors and letterboxes are the first places to check for draughts, but you may also want to check if there are any draughts around plumbing works and in flooring.  Draught proofing is fairly easy and inexpensive to undertake yourself but you could also ask a trades person to do the job for you.

Some of these you might already be incorporating into your daily routines and homes, however have a look and see if there are any new ones you can start using.  You might be surprised as to how it all helps save money!

Evolve Energy – Helping to save the world… one home at a time!

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